About Us 关于我们

Ruyi Meditation is dedicated to improve well-being through the practice of meditation. We offers a range of meditation classes designed to promote physical health, mental clarity, and emotional balance. With a focus on mindfulness and inner peace, Ruyi Meditation aims to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation as we explore the profound benefits of meditation together.


About Our Master 师父简介

Malaysian metaphysics master – Master Lim (Master Lim), a Buddhist, is proficient in Bazi (Eight Characters) metaphysics, residential Feng Shui, commercial Feng Shui, Yin House Feng Shui, improving personal fortune, onomastics, and selecting auspicious days for services. He taught himself metaphysics and meditation in his childhood, and after more than 40 years of practice, he has accumulated a wealth of experience in Bazi, geomancy, and meditation. He has also served as the metaphysics consultant for a former Prime Minister and been the behind-the-scenes advisor for many celebrities. Now, he carries a significant mission to pass on, promote, and educate people about the most correct and professional metaphysical knowledge and culture.

马来西亚玄学命理师——林师父(Master Lim),信仰佛教,精通八字命理学、居家风水、商业风水、阴宅风水、提升个人运势、姓名学、择吉日等服务。幼年时自学玄学和打坐,经过40多年的实践,已积累掌握丰富的命理学、堪舆风水和打坐经验。也曾担任前任首相的御用命理顾问,多位名人背后的智囊。现在他肩负着重大的使命,要将他所学所知的知识和文化传承、发扬光大,教育大家最正确、最专业的玄学知识。

Contact Us 联系方式


Operation Hours 营业时间

9.00am – 6.00pm
Open daily 每日营业



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